Information for the authors
review process has been completed and decisions sent on March 13 and 14. If you have not received an email on the review process decision, please check your spam folder or contact us at
Submission details
An abstract should comply with the criteria below:
- 250–300 words (excluding the list of references)
- an informative title
- information on the question addressed
- a list of references to frame the proposal
Other information
- For the purposes of a double-blind review, authors will be asked to supply their names and emails separately, and not include them in the abstracts. In addition, authors will need to supply their bio-statements (max. 100 words) in a separate document.
- The evaluation criteria are available here.
- The conference language is English.
The extended deadline for the submission of abstracts is
February 7, 2021. Authors will be informed about the acceptance of their contributions before
March 14, 2021.